According to this article which appeared in my feed today, customer experience trumps: expensive marketing initiatives, Super-Bowl sized ad campaigns, rebranding efforts and sales efforts.

Except: wouldn’t that really depend on our strengths and weaknesses? If we already have a great CX but aren’t growing might advertising more be a good idea?

Doesn’t it also depend on our competitive environment and category dynamics? On our market positioning and target customer base?

Notice one thing that all these CX puff pieces have in common: impressive statistics and not a single real-world example. Why? Because there aren’t any businesses that succeed on CX alone.

Advertising is not the tax you pay for being unremarkable - it is essential to raise awareness of your products and services in a competitive, noisy environment.

If you work in CX here is my most sincere, heart-felt advice: stop the hard sell and stop looking down on other disciplines - it makes you look arrogant and clueless.

Instead, take an interest in adjacent roles. Expand your horizons. Learn about marketing and strategy. Most of all, stop “trumping” and start figuring out how you can integrate your work with others. It’s the only way you’ll change anything.

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