“Marketing will soon report to customer experience…Build the experience and the customers will come…If you’re a CMO don’t panic.” 🤣

What this article says to any sane CMO is: these CX guys have no idea what marketing is. They don’t understand the role of advertising, and they don’t know the first thing about brand building.

First, customer experience - which is concerned with increasing value for the customer - IS a marketing activity.

Second - customers are not “defining brands” - they are just less tolerant of gaps between the brand promise and the brand reality they experience. It is still up to an organization to define what their market positioning and brand values will be, they just need to make sure they deliver on them. You can quote me on this — Forrester did in their paper on it.

Third - businesses need to advertise extensively, just to remind current customers they still exist, let alone to attract new ones. Most brands are sustained by infrequent buyers who can easily forget they exist.

One brand I know saw sales decline as CSAT went up. Why? They cut ad spend and customers simply forgot to shop there. If you think CX improvements will mean you no longer need to do "old paradigm" marketing you’re in for a rude awakening.

#customerexperience #bullshit

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