Wells Fargo’s fake accounts, VW’s diesel emissions, Tesco’s horse burgers — all these scandals reveal the same thing: the idea that the customer experience can be “managed” is a joke.

Any decision taken anywhere in the business can affect your customer experience. It’s emergent — not under anyone’s direct control.

Non-CX projects probably have more impact on your customer experience than the CX projects do - change ERP systems and you’ll see what I mean.

And if your sales team start defrauding your customers, you ain’t gonna journey map your way out of that one in a hurry.

The question is, how do we control the uncontrollable?

Short answer: people within the business — top to bottom — need to believe that customer experience really matters, and take collective responsibility. Your job is to build that belief, day by day, year by year.

This requires a two pronged approach:

First, appeal to your colleague’s self-interest and existing motivations. Paint a picture of how their world is better when the CX is better. Remember - statistics don’t get people to act, emotions do.

Second, prove it, with deeds not words. Show them the money. Demonstrate the impact. Find something to hang your hat on and gain momentum.

Keep building the belief, and the change will come eventually.

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