Error proofing is an extremely powerful way to improve just about every customer experience because it reduces both stress and effort. 

Even better, despite (or perhaps because) error proofing is so simple that a baboon could do it, most people don’t bother, so it’s a sure-fire way to give your CX a distinctive layer of polish. 

Here’s how you do it:

Step 1) Pick a customer scenario - e.g. “opening a new account”.

Step 2) Break the journey down into discrete stages - e.g. “entering address details”, “providing a valid form of ID".

Step 3) For each stage write a list of errors the customer could make - e.g. “using the wrong billing address”, "forgetting their ID".

Step 4) For each error identify ways you could prevent it from ever happening, or if you can’t, how you could help the customer recover as gracefully as possible. 

Step 5) If you’re working as a troop, wrap up the session with some affectionate grooming, sharing a celebratory banana, or flicking your poo at one another.

That’s it. If you’re anything like most businesses you’ll be amazed at how many opportunities you find. 

There’s a free error prevention worksheet in this pack. 

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