There’s so much bullshit written about customer experience I can’t possibly de-bunk all of it without looking like an irascible mega-troll. So instead, you can calculate an article’s Net Bullshit Score yourself by awarding one point for each of these:

1. Hyperbolic claims. E.g. “The top rated firms for CX grow 82 times quicker than rivals.”

2. Vague but impressive statistics that are impossible to prove. E.g. “Research shows that eliminating tasks from the customer journey yields an 596% ROI.”

3. Claiming causality on account of correlation. E.g. “The secret behind the success of the fastest growing brands in America? The Chief WOW Officer.”

4. Reductionist thinking with no acknowledgement that other factors are at work. E.g. “Want to double your revenues? Just eliminate friction.”

5. Derogatory remarks about other specialisms beyond the author’s realm of expertise. E.g. “Customer experience trumps pricing, product and advertising, etc.”

6. Award a bonus point if the author is selling something related to the above (typically mentioned at the end).

7. Add a second bonus point if the article in question is published on — the Mount Vesuvius of CX bullshit.

Scores of 1 or above = 🐮💩

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