I yowled with frustrated rage when I discovered The Writer’s Diet. I’d already written my first book, so was left dreaming about how much better it could have been had I read this first.

It’s hard to think of a skill more essential to business success than communication. Whether emails, proposals, LinkedIn posts or anything else, writing clearly and persuasively is a workplace superpower.

Few would disagree, yet the general standard of written communication at work is abysmal — ambiguous directives that can’t be followed; long-winded proposals that don’t inspire action; and white papers so tedious they could put Ambien out of business are the norm. Fortunately help is at hand.

The Writer’s Diet is an amazing book. Not only will it teach you exactly how to write effective prose, you can pile through it in 30-60 minutes. It even has a companion site www.writersdiet.com where you can discover just how terrible your writing is with a test tool.

Trust me on this - however good you think your writing is you can improve it by reading this book. If you find writing a struggle or aspire to master the written word, this is basecamp on your journey. Actually, if you ever write anything at work you owe it to yourself and your colleagues to pick this one up. Highly recommended.

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