A couple of years ago I was looking for a way to show all the key aspects of a brand on a single page to include as part of the briefing materials when starting CX projects.
The closest thing I found was Kapferer’s Brand Identity Prism but the language confused me and thought it could do with adding a couple more elements — a massive over-reach for a CX guy I know — and I'm sure some of the actual brand experts will not be impressed.
Anyway, I started tinkering with the Prism a little and the result has worked quite well — with nothing but respect for Kapferer, I think this slight evolution is a little clearer and more complete.
We use it to not only show all the facets of a brand on a single page as part of a briefing pack, but also to try and highlight gaps between internal and customer perspectives in separate outer rings that we might want to close through the CX program. You could also do an “as is” and “to be” version. It's pretty flexible.
I used Leica as an example using extracts from their website and Brand Balance magazine.
If you’d like the blank template, just like the post or send me a DM. Credit where it's due - please check out Kapferer's work!
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