If you’re a CX professional, UX or service designer and want to create a totally effortless customer experience, here are nine ways to do it:

1. Eliminate duplication
You'll be amazed how many tasks are needlessly repeated once you start looking.

2. Prevent errors
Mistakes create re-work, so preventing them saves time and energy.

3. Remove unnecessary interactions
A click here, a step there — with a critical eye you'll find plenty that can be cut out without affecting functionality.

4. Do it for the customer instead
From setting smart defaults to carrying customer's bags to the car, the more you do for them the less they need to do.

5. Reduce wait times
Whether it's same day delivery or fast-loading web pages, speed and responsiveness make experiences feel less onerous.

6. Use simple language
It's easier to digest.

7. Increase convenience
Make things available in the time and place that best suits the customer.

8. Simplify choice
The easier it is to choose between options, the less time and brain power it takes.

9. Follow conventions
They allow people to do things on autopilot.

Systematically apply these simple techniques, and you'll create experiences that customers love and rivals hate in equal measure.

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