We all have blindspots, and a common one for the CX community is not applying the principles of our craft when producing content. Nobody benefits: low engagement is frustrating and useful lessons go unlearned.

Some fundamentals to consider:

Have a clear audience in mind.
Always write for the reader. Self-indulgent writing belongs in a journal.

Create value for them, not you.
Focus more on your audience's challenges or opportunities, and less on self-promotion, selling, ranting, et cetera.

Consider the outcome.
What should they do next — engage in a debate, do something differently? The clearer and more practical the outcome, the better.

Make it effortless.
Unless your content is grade A+ avoid using video or long-form articles — it's too hard to hold people's attention. Short, jargon-free posts are easier all round.

The odd analogy, humorous remark or turn of phrase is usually enough to bring some levity.

Be distinctive and memorable.
If people don’t notice or remember your message it is ineffective.

Do less, better.
One great post beats ten average ones.

In summary: picture someone checking their phone in line at the supermarket. Your mission — create something valuable they can enjoy before they get to the cashier.

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