It's about a year since I came out of cryosleep and started posting here. I had three simple aims: expand my network of experts across disciplines that interest me; share what I’ve learned in the hope that it creates value and provokes meaningful discussion; and gently remind the world of my existence.

My approach has been pretty basic: one or two posts a week on topics I’m vaguely qualified to opine on — design, customer experience, product strategy, writing, reading and speaking. I’ve also focused on writing the kind of stuff I enjoy reading: simple, pragmatic guidance for the most part — rather than saccharine goop, or vacuous self-promotion. (All in good time...)

How's it gone?

Well, the response to the content has been great. There's been plenty of valuable dialogue that I for one have learned a great deal from. But the real win has been the quality of the connections. I’ve made meaningful friendships, met plenty of amazing people in person, and chatted about a bizarre range of topics in private, beyond the obvious work stuff — from vintage BMX restoration to classical music recommendations.

Thank you to all who have connected, commented, challenged, critiqued, conversed and co-conspired. Here's to the next twelve months!

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