The response to the COVID19 Battle Plan worksheets has been absolutely awesome! So many people have shared them but — quite unexpectedly — they've also offered to help translate them. Portuguese and Spanish are already well under way!

If you want a copy to share in your language and you've got a bit of downtime you can just go to this google sheet, put your language at the top of a column and work through the tabs and we'll produce the worksheet pack and grid summary for you.

Here's the link if you feel like doing some translation

Thanks for the incredible response so far — thousands of people have already seen this post so the tools should be finding their way into the right hands...

Huge thanks also to those who helped us put the worksheets together in the first place — we won’t name all of you, but you know who you are! Special shout-outs to Mitch WengerDavid MüllerGabor EszenyiMatt TaneArthur NurseMegan ButlerBryan Russett and of course the brains of the outfit, the one and only Ben Smith. Your feedback on our early drafts and document wrangling helped enormously!

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