If you’ve read and enjoyed The Grid, you have this gentleman to thank.

He's the publishing director at Penguin Random House, bought the world rights for both The Grid and forthcoming book three, and has edited both of them — client, partner and (tor)mentor all rolled into one, then.

We met last week and there is good news. The Grid has been a nicely profitable enterprise for the publishers and foreign language deals are still coming in. The book will be available in Japanese shortly, alongside Russian, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese and some others I’ve forgotten, which have been out for a while.

After the first round of editing / bloodbath for book three he is now broadly happy with the shape of the book and the structure and framing of each chapter, which means we now move onto round two: finer grain copy editing and refinements. Once we’re done there we’ll move into more technical editing: triple checking citations and references, and resolving any typographic snags. After that they’ll start laying it out as an actual book.

The big issues still to resolve are areas where I struggle most: title, subtitle and general market positioning. Fortunately we have an excellent team to help with this, and already have some great thought starters...we’ll get there soon enough. I’m not asking you lot for help incase I end up with a “Booky McBookface” situation.

Let the good times roll.

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