Ten ways to turn journey mapping from a waste of time into a value creation machine:
1. Gather and consolidate as much background information, primary research and data as possible before starting
2. Clearly define and prioritize customer scenarios as a separate exercise, then specifically map the ones that matter most
3. Include a cross-functional team and representative customers in the process
4. Trace the journey right to the start and right to the end, and don’t miss any stages in between
5. Include wait times — these are often major pain points
6. Get down to the task level — the devil is in the detail. Knowing the broad stages alone is seldom actionable
7. Explicitly model expectations — those the customer may have and those the business must set
8. Specifically capture possible errors — knowing these mistakes can help you prevent them or ease recovery
9. Extract all the challenges / opportunities from each map and prioritize them in a separate backlog
10. Treat the mapping exercise as the halfway point — you must follow through to implementation for there to be any value
11. Don't include a squiggly emotion line with hearts on. The prettier the map looks the less valuable it tends to be.
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