If you’re a consultant, freelancer, or subject matter expert here are ten questions you should ask prospects or clients on your first call to discuss a project:

1. What is your current situation?
2. What is the future outcome you’re trying to get to?
3. What challenges or obstacles stand in your way of achieving that outcome? 
4. What impact are those challenges having?
5. What will happen if you don’t achieve the outcome or address those challenges?
6. Why is now the right time for this project?
7. Who needs to support this initiative internally for it to succeed and do they?
8. Fast forward a year and the project has been a great success — how are things different?
9. How are you personally feeling about the project?
10. What matters most to you about who you partner with?

The better you know your customers’ needs the more obvious it is how you can add value and more likely you are to win the work. Asking the right questions is the key to the kingdom!

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