One of the most powerful and practical decision-making techniques I discovered while researching Mastering Uncertainty is Suzy Welch’s idea of 10-10-10.

It's simple — you just ask yourself what you think the consequences of a particular decision (or continuation of the status quo) will be in ten minutes, ten months and ten years. 

This technique can help you take a long view when making big decisions: Do I really want to be in this relationship, job, etc. if it carries on like this for the next ten years? Will this decision hurt in the next ten seconds but be great in the long-run?

It can also help you stop over-thinking small decisions that will have no impact in ten months, let alone ten years. It doesn’t really make sense to agonize over whether to have a cappuccino or a latte, for example.

10-10-10. It’s a simple but extraordinarily powerful technique, especially when you extrapolate out the impact of your decisions or behaviors to a ten year time horizon.

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