1. All events are neutral

Dear Marlowe,

As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” 

Here’s an example. We once lived in a lovely home with beautiful views of the Santa Monica Mountains. It was idyllic. Eventually, however, the landlady’s aberrant behaviour forced us to move out. I was furious at the time. A few months later though, a wildfire burned that house to the ground. Rage gave way to gratitude in an instant.

There are upsides and downsides to everything. Time often changes our perspective. Don’t get too carried away by success nor discouraged by failure — the universe seeks to be in balance. Seeing all events as neutral will help you keep a level head, stay positive, and accumulate less emotional baggage.



Letters to Marlowe is a personal project to pass on valuable life advice to my son.

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