Travis Kalanick became a billionaire by founding Uber. Yet during his tenure the firm lost staggering amounts of money and never came close to making a profit.

Hitachi are best known for making heavy industrial equipment. They also make “the Rolls Royce of vibrators” the Magic Wand.

Airbnb completely rebranded in 2014, adopting a new logo and visual language. The brand went from strength to strength.

For every established precept in business — you must generate a profit, you should never over-stretch the brand, changing your logo is a terrible idea, etc. — there are people who've had tremendous success doing the opposite.

It is easy to waste time and energy attempting to craft the perfect strategy or chase a definitive, sure-fire prescription for success. In reality, however, such things do not exist and there are many possible strategies that might work. 

Don’t succumb to analysis paralysis — pick the path forward you think is best then take action. The only way to know if something will succeed is to try it and see.

#innovation #entrepreneurship #strategy

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