How does a guy starting with an Ikea toolkit and zero experience build a custom motorcycle — including the engine and a complete wiring system — that gets featured on the world’s top motorcycle website?
Here’s how: one step at a time.
I found a donor bike that I thought would work. Easy and fun.
I bought three books on motorcycle building / renovation and read them. Easy and also fun.
I took the bike apart one piece at a time taking photos and labelling everything. Mostly easy and fun.
When I needed a tool I didn’t have I bought or borrowed it. Easy — just show up with beer.
When I didn’t know what a part did or how to do something I googled / youtubed it. Easy most of the time.
When I messed something up I reminded myself that it was my first go and it was bound to happen. Less easy psychologically, but gets easier with practice.
If I got really stuck I called a professional for advice and did what they said. Easy.
I kept my focus on the process and one next step rather than the outcome. Gets easier with practice.
When I got pissed off with it, tired or frustrated I stopped and did something else. Easy.
What’s this got to do with anything?
You can apply the same process to accomplish pretty much any goal.
Get started with a single step that feels fun.
Break the project down into manageable chunks that feel achievable.
Take it one step at a time.
Remember that fail stands for “First Attempt In Learning”.
Ask for help when you're stuck.
Take breaks when frustration and tiredness set in.
Commit to the process not the outcome.
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