There’s no formula for what makes people successful — they come in all shapes and sizes, of course. But I’ve spent enough time with people who are the real deal to spot some common themes.

There’s typically a quiet confidence beneath their outward modesty. Ambition, obviously, but tempered with levity and good humour. They tend to listen more than they speak, but when they do talk, it’s always “we” not “I”. They lead, but in service, and are keen to apportion credit where it’s due.

Spending time with Covalen's leadership team — when preparing for and participating in their brand launch in Dublin last week — these qualities and more were plain to see. I may have been invited there to speak, but I’ve far more to learn from them, than them from I.

It was a pleasure to be a part of the launch event, and I wish everyone at Covalen the best of luck with their new venture. That said, with their experience, commitment to customer-centricity and people craft, it’s the other players in the market who’ll be needing the luck, not them...

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