I gave the keynote at Salesforce's Service Summit in London yesterday morning. Here’s the general gist of my presentation:

1. Treat customer experience as a means not an end
Don’t set out to create a great customer experience. Start by identifying a business challenge or opportunity, then ask how improving the customer experience might help address it.

2. Avoid the satisfaction trap
Satisfaction doesn’t measure the customer experience, it measures perceived value. Since this is most influenced by factors beyond the control of CX teams, trying to prove your success using satisfaction scores is asking for trouble.

3. Move fast and fix things
Spend less time strategizing and more time fixing broken stuff. Gain momentum through action, not talk.

4. Define an experiential signature for your brand
Focus on being known for a couple of things that help strengthen the brand, rather than pursuing a potpourri of disjointed initiatives.

5. Manage expectations
Our memory of events influences our future decision-making. The more something deviates from our expectations the more memorable it is, so if you don’t understand expectations you’ll struggle to know where to focus.

6. Use psychological principles to make improvement a systematic process
No surprise coming from me!

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