If you work in customer experience, you probably think learning more about customer experience will make you better at your job. It won’t.

In reality, any brand’s customer experience is emergent — the result of many people’s work spread across different departments and disciplines. This means improving it has more to do with your ability to coordinate, cajole, convince, charm and coerce than your technical skills.

If you want to have more impact here’s what you need to do: learn about anything to do with business other than CX, so you can understand other people's perspectives.

Do you know your firm’s cost structure? Could you explain working capital to a martian? Learn the language of finance and doors will open.

Can you quote Al Ries, Byron Sharp and Geoffrey Moore? How much Christensen, Porter or Jim Collins have you read? A basic knowledge of marketing and strategy will go a long way.

To help you, here's the last 400 or so books I read on this stuff. Pick one that interests you and get to work. There’s also a top 10 business books list which is a good starting point. If you've read any of these I'd love to hear your thoughts on them! 🤓

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