Last week I appeared on a list of top thought-leaders and influencers in the field of customer experience, as did many of my connections. The producers of the list have since furnished me with a guide for how to share the recognition. Well...I’m in two minds about that.

On the one hand, it is flattering to be included — it’s nice that my efforts here have not gone unnoticed. I am grateful for the exposure, and if it means that I can create more value for more people or engage a larger cross section of the community in debate and discussion then I welcome it.

However, I must be honest, these sorts of lists are pretty silly. When I think of all the experts — clients, colleagues and peers — whose opinions I find insightful, engaging and valuable but who don’t appear I cringe with embarrassment.

Only an expert is capable of judging expertise, and the people who make these lists are seldom experts — if they were they’d be on the list, not compiling it — so more than a grain of salt is required.

Key takeaway then — I must work harder to support and promote other people whose content and ideas I find value creating and engaging. So this will be a bigger focus for me from now on.

With salt-encrusted gratitude,


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