We passed a big milestone last week: submitting the manuscript for book three to our publishers at Penguin Random House.
Submission is a very technical process. You hit send on an email (making sure you've attached the right file), shout "Woohoo!", then open a celebratory bottle of Scotch — Glendronach's 21 Year Old Parliament expression, since you asked.
There’s still a long way to go with the editing and publication process and a few little kinks to work out, but it’s a happy moment for any author when there’s a whole thing, rather than parts scattered on the floor requiring assembly. It’s also an opportune moment to express some gratitude to the people who helped us get this far.
Putting a book together is as much of a team effort as making any other product, so we’re very grateful for all the help we’ve received, especially from those who have given up their time to read the manuscript cover to cover and suggest improvements. It is immeasurably better for their input and I’m delighted to report that their feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
Csaba Konkoly and I cannot wait to share it with you next year, and thanks again for all the support and encouragement so far.
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