My latest blog post for Stella Connect tackles an obvious but often overlooked truism when it comes to customer experience: that we shouldn't be patting ourselves on the back for solving customer problems that could have been prevented in the first place.

Error prevention is not a new idea by any stretch of the imagination. It's been a core aspect of human factors work for decades and should be a foundational principle for any CX program because it offers a rare three for one deal: less effort and stress for the customer, and less cost to the business incurred by putting things right.

Chances are though, that your journey maps don't include a swim lane for error management, your team has never modeled out the potential errors and customers can make in a given scenario and how they can be prevented or better recovered, and your contact center staff are more concerned with first issue resolution than Matt Dixon's wonderful idea of next issue avoidance.

As if that wasn't bad enough, The Red Hot Chili Peppers album Blood Sugar Sex Magik is also thirty years old, which somehow made its way into the article too.

Comments, thoughts, feelings heartily welcomed as ever.

#customerexperience #cx #journeymapping #contactcenters

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