I am making my way through Jack Springman's book, The Final Rant: Making Customer Experience a C-Suite Priority — The Opportunity, Challenge and Solution. Here’s what I have to say.

The title “The Final Rant” does not do this work justice. It is not a rant. It is a cogent, provocative and necessary critique of the field that demonstrates a deep and nuanced understanding, not just of the subject matter, but crucially its broader context.

It is a wonderfully clean and concise manuscript, is thoroughly referenced, and more importantly than either, of immense value to leaders, industry pundits and practitioners alike.

It would be a no brainer to buy it and read it at the customary $20 from Amazon, the fact that it is totally free of charge to download means getting a copy should be a reflex reaction that doesn’t require conscious cognition.

Well done Jack, it’s a stand out contribution to the field.

A link to download it is in the comments.

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