Same heretical opinions, now in slimline packaging.
With the launch of the new book around the corner — woohoo! — I had the customary set of headshots and press images done last week, having lost seventeen kilos / 37lbs (at my lightest) since the last time I found myself in a photography studio.
Losing the weight was really, really hard. It took a year and a half of dedicated effort and sacrifice to undo a decade or more of bad habits. So in case anyone here has the same goal, here’s a few things that worked for me.
Be held to account.
I had help from a nutritionist who I saw every few weeks. Knowing I had to check in with her held me to account and made it easier to resist temptation! You don’t need professional help to get the same results, you could find a friend with similar goals and support each other.
Write it down.
I learned fairly early that what you think you eat and the amount of exercise you think you get are not necessarily reflective of reality! Keeping a food an exercise diary or tracking them with an app reveals your actual behaviours and makes it easier to stay on track.
Find a form of exercise you enjoy.
If it feels like punishment you won’t stick with it. I like walking, running and surfing so I did those and always looked forward to getting some exercise.
Portion control is key.
Smaller plates, measuring portions with scales or measuring cups…it really helped me make sure I wasn’t over eating.
Don’t let occasional slips turn into abandonment.
You’re only human. Maybe it’s your birthday and you drink a bit too much. Maybe you’re at the movies and you eat a kilo of pick’n’mix. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you don’t allow exceptions to become the rule or slips to cause you to give up. Go easy on yourself and celebrate your progress as you go!
If this is something you’re struggling with and need a sympathetic ear, drop me a message. I have no expertise whatsoever but I can offer encouragement! :)
Studio photo and new profile pic: Panos Damaskinidis
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