If someone calls you a perfectionist don’t take it as a compliment.

The pursuit of perfection is debilitating. It’s not motivated by a zeal for quality or absolute performance. It really comes from a place of fear of not being good enough, and anxiety about how we or our work will be perceived. 

Perfectionism keeps us analyzing, tweaking and polishing and provides a conveyor belt of excuses for why we can’t ever finish or launch things. And because it is purely outcome driven, achieving it (if such a thing is ever possible) provides only momentary relief before the horizon recedes again.

A more valuable pursuit than perfection is mastery. 

Unlike perfectionism, mastery is a process not an outcome which brings meaning to every day regardless of our performance. 

Mastery is also driven by a deep desire to keep improving. It keeps us coachable, humble and open to new ideas. It encourages us to launch, learn and grow. 

Aspire to mastery not perfection, and you’ll accomplish far more (and enjoy it more too!)

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